04 Mar

Pilates emphasizes the mind-body connection and controlled, mindful movements. Pay attention to your breath and focus on executing each movement with precision and control. This approach can help improve body awareness, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.

Pilates is also known for its emphasis on core strength and stability, which can help support and protect the back. Incorporating exercises that target the deep abdominal muscles, such as pelvic tilts, abdominal curls, and Pilates bridges will protect the spine and improve your posture.

Exercises that promote gentle mobilization of the spine, such as cat stretches, hip rolls, and gentle twists can help improve flexibility, promote blood flow and relieve tension in the back.

Maintaining a neutral spinal alignment during exercises, means keeping the natural curves of the spine in a balanced position. Avoid excessive rounding or arching of the back, as these can strain the back and exacerbate pain.

Last but not least, listening to what your body is telling you will help you make small adjustments and avoid pain. Remember, your attention is your superpower.

If you have an injury or condition and your not sure that exercise is right for you at this time, Make sure that you ask your doctor.

August, 2023

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