28 Aug

As a Pilates and as a dance instructor I’ve sometimes seen clients and students with a self-defeating attitude. While it’s good to seek ways to improve, negative self-talk only creates frustration. Some people constantly bombard themselves with critical thoughts in a way they would never talk to others. 

Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that broadly translates to "non-violence" or "non-harming." It extends beyond physical harm and includes avoiding mental, emotional, and verbal harm as well as promoting compassion, empathy, and respect for all life forms. Practicing ahimsa involves cultivating an attitude of good will toward others and towards oneself. 

There are people that come to class wanting to feel exhausted after class. Rather, you want to feel invigorated, as if you’ve given yourself a massage and are ready for the world. 

Could you instead develop an inner dialog of self-acceptance? Cultivating a positive attitude rather than seeing exercise as a form of self-punishment will help you achieve your goals more quickly. Accept who you are, give thanks for what you have and be optimistic about the future.

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